Product responsibility

About training:

Product Responsibility is formulated by the Law on Responsibility for Damage Caused by a Defective Product no. 294/1999 of the Collection of Laws, in which the EEC Council 85/374/EEC Directive about responsibility for defective products is included.


  • Understand the aspects of a product guarantee – legislative scope
  • Explain the European context – the EEC Council Directive vs. National legislation
  • Show the connections and links to Special characteristics, Identification and Pursuit, Unmatched product management and Product safety (connection to the IATF 16949, ISO 9001 standard requirements)

Target group:

  • Workers who directly or indirectly influence the quality of final products.
  • It is suitable to include the training in the “Quality Awareness training”, with the target group of the company`s every employee; it is also suitable as a “Newly-appointed Employee Training”.

Type of certification: based on training completion – a confirmation of attendance

Training duration: 1 day

Expert guarantor: Ing. Michal Jančok